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COVID-19 Dashboard

Excel Template

Explore the global affects of the pandemic with our COVID-19 Excel Dashboard, equipped with dynamic formulas, charts, graphs and slicers for analyzing data.
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What's Inside the COVID-19 Dashboard?

Details | 2 SheetsĀ 

Supported VersionsĀ | Excel 2013, 2016, 2019, Office 365 (Mac), Power BI*

Category | Data Analysis

TagsĀ | Covid Analysis, Covid 2020

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Inside Our Covid-19 Excel Dashboard

Our COVID-19 Excel Dashboard allows you to see the global impacts of COVID-19 and the ability to filter by country, region and date.

COVID-19 has swept through the globe, causing millions of deaths and altering society at its core. 

It's affect is not limited to a single country or region, but the entire world. Some parts though, have been more affected than others. 

With so much confusion around the impact of the coronavirus, we designed a COVID-19 Excel Dashboard. 

Dynamic slicers allow you to see the impacts of COVID as you can filter by region, countries and date. Total Confirmed Cases, Total Survivors, Total Deaths and Death % will auto populate based on your criteria. 

A chart plotting cases over a 12-month period will also generate automatically.

If you are using it for a presentation, you can click Full Screen to make the visuals pop. 

This is a free dashboard, as is the COVID-19 Employee Health Tracker Template. 

Analyze data from the coronavirus for the year of 2020 with our COVID-19 Excel Dashboard, built with dynamic slicers and charts for visualization.

While we build most of our Excel templates with dynamic dashboards, Power BI is a Microsoft tool that allows for even greater visualization and customization. 

We've paired our Profitability Analysis spreadsheet with a Power BI compatible dashboard that gives you further capabilities for filtering and analyzing your data. 

Using Power BI, the map is totally interactive and you can immediately see COVID statistics for each country. Comparing and analyzing the impacts by country is easy with this tool.

*Power BI templates are only available for Mastermind Members.

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