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Learn Formatting in Excel: Format Millions, Thousands, Billions

cell format excel excel formulas Feb 16, 2023

Learning to format and present large numbers like millions, thousands, or billions in Excel is essential for anyone in finance and accounting. Knowing how to structure these magnitudes quickly determines the audience's understanding of data accuracy.

If you want to learn more about organizing and displaying large numbers, this blog will provide all the guidance and tips you need for clean formatting.

In this article, we will discuss the following:

  • Format Numbers Using Thousands, Millions, and Billions Using the Format Cells function.

  • Using the Format Cells Function, you can Format Numbers in Thousands, Millions, or Billions.

  • Final Thoughts on Excel Format Millions, Thousands, and Billions

  • Frequently Asked Questions on Excel Format Millions, Thousands, and Billions

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If you often use a spreadsheet format, chances are you've come across the need to format numbers that include millions, thousands, or billions. If you need clarification about what format to use, don't worry!

Learning how to format numbers this way is simple and easy with Excel. With just a few clicks, you can format your numbers and make them look as precise and professional as ever.

So take confidence in your ability to handle those large numbers and format them correctly with an Excel spreadsheet!

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Format Numbers Using the Format Cells function.

With Microsoft Excel, creating a custom format that solves your problem with the Format Cells feature is effortless. Here are the steps you'll need to take:

  1. Select the list of numbers that you want to format.

  2. Right-click the selected cells and choose Format Cells.Open the format cells.

  3. Select Custom from the left pane in the Format Cells dialog box under the Number tab. In the Type text box, enter the format code you need:To format numbers, use the Formula Cells dialog box and choose custom format.

  4. Once finished, click OK to confirm your changes and close the dialog box. The images below show that your numbers have been formatted in thousands, millions, or billions.

Numbers to Format

number format.

Numbers in Thousand format using format code 0, "K" in the dialog box

Format number in thousands using the custom format in the Format Cells dialog box.

Numbers in Million format using format code 0,, "M."

Format numbers in millions

Numbers in Billion Formats using format code 0,,, "B" in the dialog box

Format numbers in billions

Using the Format Cells Function, you can Format Numbers in Thousands, Millions, or Billions.

If you want to format numbers in thousands, millions, or billions based on specific numbers instead of just one number format, you can use the Format Cells Function to help.

  1. Select the cells containing the numbers you want to format, and then right-click the 'Format Cells' option from the context menu.Select the cells that has numbers to format numbers.

  2. Using the Format cells dialog box, in the number tab portion, click Custom from the left pane in the Type text box, and type this format code:Go to the number tab and open the format cells dialog box.

  3. Once you click the 'OK' button, your numbers will be formatted as desired based on the number format you have chosen.

Before using Excel's Custom Number Formatting.

Numbers before using custom fomat in Excel

After using Excel Custom Number Formatting.

Format numbers after using Excel number formatting.

Convert all Numbers to Their Extended, Standard Versions for Greater Accuracy and Readability.

Consider expanding abbreviated numbers into their total numerical value in specific scenarios.

The display numbers are the formatted custom numbers.

To obtain the desired result, please paste or enter the formula provided below into an empty cell:

=IF(ISTEXT(A2),10^(LOOKUP(RIGHT(A2),{"B, " "K, " "M"}, {9,3,6}))*LEFT(A2, LEN(A2)-1), A2)

Type or copy the formula to the formula bar.

The formula is easy to input and drag to as many cells as you want. The numbers in the cells will change into their total numerical equivalents. This formula will make it simpler for you to get things done!

Custom format number to normal numbers.

Read Also: The Remainder Formula Excel: Everything You Need to Know

Final Thoughts on Excel Format Millions, Thousands, and Billions.

This is a good skill if you often work with data sets. By learning this simple tip, you can save yourself time and frustration later on.

You can visit our homepage for more easy-to-follow how-to and step-by-step guides. Check the links in related articles for further details about Excel Templates!

Frequently Asked Questions on Excel Format Millions, Thousands, and Billions:

How do I format numbers in Excel?

To format your numbers in Excel, highlight the numbers you want to format and select the format you want to apply.

How do I format numbers as millions or billions in Excel?

  1. First, select the cell that has the number you want to format.

  2. Then right-click on it and select "Format Cells."

  3. On the left side, choose "Number" from the Category section. There will be an option for "Custom." You can put in how many decimal places and what formatting you want. Or you can select a type like Millions or Billions.

  4. Once you have done all of this, hit OK.

How do I format numbers in Excel with commas?

  1. To format your numbers, highlight them, right-click, and select 'Format Cells'.

  2. Find the 'Number' section and select the 'Number' option.

  3. Change the number under Decimal Places to 0 to add a comma. Click 'OK' when you're done.

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