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Insert PivotChart In Excel: A Complete Guide

Mar 28, 2023

Do you want an effective way to summarize large data sets in Excel?

Learning to insert a PivotChart in Excel can help bring value to how you manage the most complex data sets. With a few simple steps, you can quickly present and analyze large amounts of data, giving yourself insight into trends or patterns that would otherwise stay hidden!

Read on as we cover the following:

  • What Is a PivotChart?

  • How to Create a PivotChart

  • Final Thoughts on How to Insert a PivotChart in Excel

  • Frequently Asked Questions on How to Insert a PivotChart in Excel

What Is a PivotChart?

PivotChart or Excel PivotChart is a graphic or visual representation of the data. PivotCharts give you the complete picture of your summary data source.

PivotChart also lets you analyze data using graphs and layouts. PivotChart is best suited for a company presentation of extensive sales data.

Read Also: Ultimate Excel PivotTables Tutorial: Beginner to Advanced

How to Create a PivotChart

There are two ways to create a PivotChart:

  1. Create a PivotChart from a data sheet without a PivotTable

  2. Create a PivotChart with an existing PivotTable

Create a PivotChart from a Data Sheet without PivotTables

  1. Go to the Insert tab and click PivotChart.Go to the Insert tab and click Pivot Chart.

  1. In the Create PivotTable dialog box, click "Select a table or range" instead of "Use an external data source." Choose a cell from the new chart sheet to where you want the PivotChart.

    In the dialog box select a table range and a sheet where you want to put your Pivot Chart.

  1. Select the data range from the other data sheet to create a pivot chart and click ok.After select the cell ranges and sheet location click ok button.

  1. A blank pivot table will appear. Set up your PivotChart Fields.Excel will insert the chart.

Excel will automatically create a PivotChart once you've finished setting up the PivotChart fields pane.

Create a PivotChart with Existing PivotTables

  1. Click any cell in the Pivot Table.Click any cell in the Pivot Table.

  1. Go to the Insert tab, and click PivotChart.Locate the Pivot Chart in the Insert tab.

  1. You will see many charts in the Insert Chart dialog box. Choose a chart type that fits your Pivot Table's data and click OK.Click clustered chart.

The dialog box will create a PivotChart with the source data from the Pivot Table.

Final Thoughts on How to Insert a PivotChart In Excel

With all that you have learned about inserting a PivotChart in Excel, you are now ready to start visualizing your data in a new way. You can create dynamic visuals to analyze and present information effectively.

For more easy-to-follow Excel guides and the latest Excel Templates, visit Simple Sheets and the Related Articles section of this blog post.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Insert PivotChart In Excel

How can I add chart elements to my PivotChart?

Click the + button on the right of your PivotChart to add chart elements like axis titles, gridlines, legends, and many more. You can also change the position of your chart elements.

How can I format my PivotChart?

Using the PivotChart tools, you can format your chart sheet. The PivotChart tools provide formatting options for colors, backgrounds, and fonts. You can also add new fields and perform other functions to make your chart look more excellent than before.

How do I add a slicer for my PivotChart?

  1. Click your PivotChart.

  2. Go to the Analyze tab, and click Insert Slicer.

  3. Create the slicers in the Select Fields dialog, and click Ok.

Related Articles:

How to Connect Slicers to Multiple PivotTables

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