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The Top 5 Google Sheets Formulas You Need to Know

Jan 10, 2023

Data is becoming more and more important in almost any business and industry. As a result, learning how to use Google Sheets effectively has become essential for nearly all office jobs.

Perhaps you currently find it hard to find the information you're looking for quickly, trying to analyze multiple ranges at once without using any Google Sheets formulas.

What if I were to tell you there was a quick way to analyze data, find a new value, and rectify any errors?

Here are five essential Google Spreadsheet formulas you need to learn to take your google sheets skills to the next level.

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COUNTIF() - Conditional Counting

Counting cells manually takes far too long. Making a note of each separate cell also leaves space for manual error and can lead to inaccurate data points.

Fortunately, the Google Sheets COUNTIF formula lets you count cell data from a range of cells quickly and easily.

TEXT() - Convert numbers into a currency

The TEXT formula is the tool to take a value from a single cell and reformat it.

There are several ways to use the TEXT formula, including:

  • Turning numbers into a currency

  • Altering a number to include decimal places

  • Amend multiple cells and manipulate data into MM/DD format

The above formula has many uses, so it is excellent to learn. It is great to learn early if you can use the same formula across separate cells for different uses.

SEARCH() Function - Check Value in a String

You must learn how to use the SEARCH function to see if a specific value exists in a string.

This formula is ideal for auditing your business's content marketing strategy.

You want to see your blog content's impact and which content you should focus on in the future.

You already have a list of your blog content, from best to worst, and you want to see which topics perform best.

If most of them fall into a specific category, you know that is the content you should focus on in the future.

The COUNTIF Google Sheets formula is a fantastic way to save time with annoying, time-consuming jobs.

VLOOKUP() - Vertical Lookup

The VLOOKUP function is ideal for searching for specific data within your Google Sheets.

It is important to note that VLOOKUP only looks RIGHT, so the data must be in any column to the right of your formula.

You can also use VLOOKUP in two matching modes, approximate or exact. To achieve an exact match, you must amend the range_lookup to FALSE and change it to TRUE for approximate matching.

Suggested read: Excel XLOOKUP Vs. VLOOKUP: Which is the Better Function?

IFERROR() - Return Cell Error Value

The IFERROR formula is a fantastic option for handling cell errors.

Perhaps your Google Sheet is showing you the =DIV/0! Cell error occurs when you attempt to divide by zero.

The IFERROR function helps replace errors with new customer values to get around this.

Suggested read: The Excel IFERROR Function: What is it and When to Use it

Honorable Mentions

Once you have mastered these five, here are some others for you to consider:

  • COUNT formula

  • SUM formula

  • SPLIT formula

  • MIN formula

  • MAX formula

  • AVERAGE formula

  • ARRAY Formula

Frequently Asked Questions About Google Sheets Formulas:

How do you do simple formulas in Google Sheets?

Once you have completed these formulas, you can find information on the Simple Sheets blog on executing other formulas, such as one for an ideal exponential growth trend or a mathematical expression.

Are Google Sheets formulas the same as Excel?

Google Sheets formulas tend to be the same as Microsoft Excel, using the same logical expression.

What is the difference between a formula and a function in Google Sheets?

A formula uses hard-coded numbers or cell references to establish the value of a cell or cell range.

Sometimes you can use a cell reference formula to get the correct answer, but once you are confident on Google Sheets, using functions offer you more flexibility.

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