How to Search in Google Sheets: 3 Quick and Easy Options
May 25, 2022
There are so many different functions available in a Google Sheets spreadsheet. You can match entire cell contents, find and replace data quickly, or create a custom formula or pivot table to display large data ranges.
However, with such large amounts of data on offer in a Google Sheets spreadsheet, finding the information you need cannot be easy. Searching in Google can help you understand a particular pattern, make an exact match, and various other options. Learning how to search in Google Sheets can significantly improve how you use Google Sheets and what you are capable of achieving on the Google Sheets app. The good news is that once you learn how to use the Find and Replace feature on Google Sheets, you can use that search function to find any information you want.
Search Using the Find Option to Highlight All Matching Cells in the Sheet
If your Google Sheets file contains cells with text, and you are keen to search Google Sheets to find cells with a specific text string, the find option is the perfect option. Here are the steps you need to take to search in Google Sheets via the find function: Begin by opening your Google Sheets worksheet that contains your data. Next, press Control and F if you are on Windows or Command and F if you are on a Mac. This opens a small find and replaces the box on the top right-hand side of your Google Sheet. Within this box, type the term you wish to find, also called the search string. These steps will show you every cell in your Google Sheets document with that matching text string. You can sift through each cell individually or use the arrows in the find field. If you don't like this option, you can also visually check the results, as every matching cell will now be green. This is the fasted method you use to discover any cells that match your text string.
Search Using Find and Replace
The other search option in Google Sheets is to search Google Sheets with the Find and Replace feature. If you want to find specific cells containing something like a first name, there are a few steps you can follow:
- Head to the Edit tab, which is located in the Menu bar
- Choose the Find and Replace feature
- Clicking the Find and Replace option will open the Find and Replace box. If you feel confident with your Google spreadsheets skills, you can open this box without heading to the edit menu by hitting Control and H on a PC or Command and H on a Mac.
- Once on the Find and Replace section, look for the input box next to the word "Find." Here, type the word you want to search and press find quickly.
- Your Google Sheets document will show you the worksheet's first cell containing your chosen word.
- If your chosen word occurs in other areas of your active sheet, clicking find every time will show you all the cells that contain that word within your given range.
- Once you hit the last example of this word within your Google Sheet, a message will appear when you click to find that says "No more results. Looping back around" at the foot of your dialog box.
- If you click find after seeing this message, your searches will start at the beginning again.
- Once you are happy with your results and want to close the Find and Replace menu, select Done and close the menu.
How to Search In Google Sheets: Summary and Key Takeaways
Now you know how to search in Google Sheets! From the drop-down menu on offer, you can find any search results you want from a specific range and locate regular expressions if they are present. Searching a current sheet is a great way to establish and remove unwanted duplications before sharing a document with colleges or highlighting reoccurring patterns that could improve your business's performance. If you liked the advice offered in this article, be sure to check out some of the related articles below!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where is the search in Google Sheets?
Follow the above steps! Begin by opening your Google Sheets worksheet that contains your data. Next, press CTRL F if you are on Windows or Command and F if you are on a Mac (see Microsoft Excel for Mac). This opens a small find and replaces the box in the upper right corner of your Google Sheet. Within this box, type the term you wish to find, also called the search string.
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