How To Merge Sheets In Google Sheets With 3 Easy Methods!
Jun 01, 2023
Are you trying to find the best way to organize your data in Google Sheets?
Merging sheets is one of the most efficient ways to do it! This option is ideal regarding data organization because it allows you to combine and analyze multiple spreadsheets simultaneously.
In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps. You'll efficiently merge sheets in Google Sheets regardless of your technical knowledge.
Read on as we cover the following:
Different Methods to Merge Sheets in Google Sheets
Final Thoughts on How to Merge Sheets in Google Sheets
Frequently Asked Questions on How to Merge Sheets in Google Sheets
Different Methods to Merge Sheets in Google Sheets
These are the easiest methods for merging sheets in Google Sheets:
Method 1. Refer to cells from other sheets
You can refer to cells with data from other sheets to pull entire tables into a single file. Note that referring to cells is the easiest method.
In our example, we'll merge the data from February into the January sheet into a single table. The resulting table should include data from the same spreadsheet in a single view:
Select a cell from the January Sales sheet.
Type the cell reference from the February Sales Sheet.
Click on the small blue circle at the bottom right of the cell. Hold and drag it to the next column to its right.
Click the blue circle again, drag your mouse down, and move it to cover all the rows.
While this method may seem the most obvious and easiest way to pull data from another sheet, it is not the most efficient.
Fortunately, there are other ways to merge Google Sheets specifically for this task.
Method 2. Import a sheet
To pull data from multiple Google Sheets, export each sheet and then import them into the preferred file format:
Open the file you want to export, then go to File > Download > Comma-separated values (.csv):
Open the sheet you want to import.
Click the File tab, then select Import.
In the Import File dialog box, click Import Location drop-down menu, then select "Append to the current sheet."
Click Import data to merge the imported data.
After merging, you will receive two sheets with one table below the other.-
However, since the file format is .csv, the second table will remain in its original formatting.
You will need to manually format it according to your requirements.
Method 3. Combine data from multiple sheets with the IMPORT RANGE function
The IMPORT RANGE function helps you combine data from different Google spreadsheets into one spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet_url" refers to the link of the spreadsheet you want to retrieve data from. Remember always to enclose it in double quotes.
The range_string means the cells you must copy and paste into your current sheet.
In our example, we'll merge multiple Google sheets using the IMPORT RANGE function.
Open the spreadsheet that you want to merge data.
Go to the top of your browser and on the bar. Copy the link until you see a sign called "#."
Return to the spreadsheet and use the IMPORT RANGE function. The link should be inserted as the first argument, followed by a comma to separate it from the next part.
Specify the location where the imported table should appear.
Press the Enter key, click the cell with "#REF!" and click "Allow access."
Once the formula connects to another sheet, it will bring in data from there.
The IMPORT RANGE command will only bring in the numbers, not the colors or formatting of the cells.
Final Thoughts on How to Merge Sheets in Google Sheets
Merging sheets in Google Sheets is a great way to organize and store data in one place. It can save time and effort when working with lots of information.
Once you have learned how to merge sheets in Google Sheets, you can use this useful feature whenever needed.
Visit Simple Sheets for more easy-to-follow guides, and remember to check out the related articles section of this blog post.
Subscribe to Simple Sheets on Youtube for the most straightforward Google Sheets video tutorials!
Frequently Asked Questions on How to Merge Sheets in Google Sheets
Can I use Google Sheets add-ons to merge multiple sheets?
A combine sheets add-on in Google is the quickest and easiest way to merge data from multiple sheets since it doesn't require much effort.
How does the QUERY function work to merge sheets?
The QUERY function in Google Sheets consolidates the data or table of the two spreadsheets into one different spreadsheet.
Can I use the Copy Sheet Option to merge multiple sheets?
To merge multiple sheets, you can use the Copy Sheet Option to copy all the content from one sheet and place it in another. This method is quick and easy.
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